Building the Perfect Home Network
Messing around with enterprise stuff at home
Build your own intranet
The difference between home and enterprise networks
Enterprise want configurability; Home users want the Internets to work
- Number of user devices
- Number of servers (homes don’t have any*)
- Everything is smaller in homes
Why not just scale down enterprise?
We can just get a bunch of used enterprise or small business gear and plug it together and it should work?
- (Modem)
- Router
- Switch
- Access Points
- Cables
- Servers
Sometimes you need one of these, e.g. if you are using vDSL.
Pick one:
- OPNsense/PFsense
- Something from Cisco
- Something from Ubiquiti
- Something from Juniper
Get something that is as fast as at least 2.5 Gbit if not more. Make sure it is manged so you can do bridging ect.
Access Points
Pick one:
- Something from Cisco
- Something from Ubiquiti
- Something from Juniper
You will want something chonky (maybe call it big-chonk cos that’s what LUHack does) to be able to have fun.
Moving on…
Networks are more than packet management kit.
So, lets do talk about what you could do with this network.
What you may want to do on your “perfect”* network
- VPNs
- Self hosting
- Virtualisation stuff
- Learning stuff

- Examples of Type 1: VMware ESXI, XCP-ng
- Examples of Type 2: KVM, Proxmox
Proxmox is great for quickly spinning up VMs in a way that is not too painful, but it is limited in it’s capabilaties.

Docker Compose
Orchastration for docker.
Commands (run from same folder as docker compose file.)
Run docker compose attached:
docker-compose up
Run docker compose detached;
docker-compose up -d
Stop docker compose:
docker-compose down